• Seminari: «The venture builder as a new incubation model: an exploratory analysis»

  • Inici: Dimecres, 13 gener 12:00
    Fi: Dimecres, 13 gener 13:00
  • Universitat de les Illes Balears, Carretera de Valldemossa, Palma, Espanya
  • A les 12 hores.

    En línia: https://uibuniversitat.zoom.us/j/91875510183?pwd=bjI2UWNOK1dtM3c0dldXQlNiY2pjZz09#success

    A càrrec de Giuliano Sansone (Management).

    Over the past decade, many types of incubators have been introduced to support the creation of startups. This paper aims at describing a new incubator type: the Venture Builder. The Venture Builder sustains startups by providing not only traditional incubation services and equity but it acts as a founder or co-founder of the startups involved. In particular, the Research Questions (RQs) of this work are: what is a Venture Builder? How do Venture Builders operate? How do they differ from incubators and Venture Capitalists (VCs)? This work identifies extant Venture Builders worldwide through the scouting of extant networks of these organisations and secondary sources listing them. To answers the RQs, in this work, the managers of 4 Venture Builders in Europe have been interviewed. Thanks to the data collected, this work presents a definition of Venture Builder. This work also discovers Venture Builders created by corporations (Corporate Venture Builders) to foster their Intrapreneurship activities and Open Innovation strategies, Venture Builders specialised in creating social startups (Social Venture Builders) and Venture Builders created by universities (University Venture Builders) to foster academic and student entrepreneurship. Finally, this work explains the differences between Venture Builders, Incubators, and VCs.