• Tesi doctoral: «Genetic characterization, habitat modelling and automated detection...»

  • Start: Friday, 06 October 12:30
    End: Friday, 06 October 14:30
  • Sala de Graus de l'edifici Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda
  • El títol complet és: Genetic characterization, habitat modelling and automated detection of the yellow-legged hornet Vespa velutina (Hymenoptera: Vespidae): tools for the management of this invasive alien species in Europe.

    Doctorand: Cayetano Herrera López

    Directors: Dra. María del Mar Leza Salord i Dr. José Antonio Jurado Rivera

    Programa de doctorat en Biologia de les Plantes

    Hora: a les 12.30 hores

    Lloc: Sala de Graus de l'edifici Antoni Maria Alcover i Sureda, campus universitari